تحميل لعبة Sonic the Hedgehog بروابط مباشرة
لعبة اليوم هي لعبة من افضل العاب الاندرود لهذا العام فهذة اللعبة ممتعة جدا وشيقة لدرجة انك لن تمل من اللعب عليها طوال اليوم وهذا وصف بسيط عن هذة اللعبة الشيقة
sonic1 the Hedgehog is a true classic, one Sega has finally brought to smartphones with the Sega Forever collection. If you weren’t already aware, the game sees you racing through a series of levels as the titular character, collecting rings and defeating enemies as you do.
sonic1 the Hedgehog is a true classic, one Sega has finally brought to smartphones with the Sega Forever collection. If you weren’t already aware, the game sees you racing through a series of levels as the titular character, collecting rings and defeating enemies as you do.
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