تحميل لعبة Gemini بروابط مباشرة
لعبة اليوم هي لعبة من افضل العاب الاندرود لهذا العام فهذة اللعبة ممتعة جدا وشيقة لدرجة انك لن تمل من اللعب عليها طوال اليوم وهذا وصف بسيط عن هذة اللعبة الشيقة
gemini is a beautifully designed puzzle game in which you’ll play the role of a star, after which you’ll encounter other stars and explore different spaces in the universe. The game was launched on other platforms in the past few years, but it’s now finally available on Android, too.
gemini is a beautifully designed puzzle game in which you’ll play the role of a star, after which you’ll encounter other stars and explore different spaces in the universe. The game was launched on other platforms in the past few years, but it’s now finally available on Android, too.
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